"An ingrown hair occurs when the hair curls back upon itself and starts growing inward or sideways instead of up and out through the skin's surface," said Helga Riedmann, founder of Mountainbreeze Naturals.
Both genders can develop an ingrown hair and they can occur anywhere on the body. The condition is more likely to appear when hair is removed by shaving, but can happen with depilatory waxes, lotions and creams. Individuals with curly hair are more likely to develop an ingrown hair and the same conditions that encourage the growth of acne can exacerbate ingrown hairs.
An ingrown hair is typically a minor condition that can cause itching, redness and tenderness. In rare instances, an ingrown hair can result in a pus-filled boil that may require attention by a physician. There are some steps that people can take to treat and prevent an ingrown hair that include:
1. Pull out the portion of hair that's showing to straighten it using a pair of disinfected tweezers 2. Apply a dermatologist recommended cream 3. Use a cloth to soak the area in a vinegar solution 3-4 times a day for 15-20 minutes each time 4. Add 2 Tbsp. of Epsom salt in 8 oz. of water, use a cotton ball, and apply the solution to the affected area for 10 minutes 5. Apply a lotion or cream containing salicylic acid or glycolic acid after shaving as a preventative 6. Dissolve two non-coated aspirins in a tsp. of warm water and apply it to the affected area for 20 minutes before washing it off 7. Use a moisturizer specially designed not to block pores 8. Cleanse with a mild soap to avert ingrown hairs 9. Scrub daily with a solution of sugar/salt and olive oil to deaden hair follicles 10. The most effective preventative is tea tree applied to the area to disinfect before pulling the hair out 11. Electrolysis and laser hair removal will permanently eradicate hair
The tea tree oil antifungal soap by Mountainbreeze Naturals provides an important addition to daily beauty regimens. It moisturizes, helps keep pores open and kills bacteria that can lead to infections.
About Mountainbreeze Naturals
Founded by Helga Riedmann, Mountainbreeze Naturals is a nutraceutical firm headquartered in Austria. The company specializes in natural and organic health and beauty products that utilize Australian tea tree oil.
Funga-Free from Mountainbreeze. An Antifungal Soap and Body Wash product line to help fight against fungal and bacterial infections.