(Health-NewsWire.Net, July 16, 2015 ) San Francisco, CA -- Many athletes aim to master double unders because ordinary jumping rope is an effective cardiovascular and fitness exercise, but double unders is more intense and more challenging. Even experienced athletes struggle with them, but they are very effective once they are mastered. To help attain double unders, one needs to have the right jump rope and the proper technique. An experienced and certified coach and trainer like Barry Lavis demonstrates in his video how to measure the WOD Nation jump rope to the correct length.
Sizing the WOD Nation speed rope takes only four easy steps:
Unroll the cable speed rope and step on it with one foot right in the middle. Bring the left handle to chest height and make sure the adjustment screw is tight. Loosen the adjustment screw and move the handle down to match the height of the right handle. Then re-tighten the adjuster. Clip the excess wire with a sharp wire cutter and replace the rubber end cap.
These four easy steps ensure that the speed rope is the right length to height ratio. This is a unique feature of the WOD Nation speed rope that facilitates double unders. A rope in the wrong size can cause missteps and accidents. Other jump ropes come in one standard size, but the WOD Nation rope can be used by anybody because it can be easily adjusted. It also comes with extra hardware so that adjustments can be done properly.
Aside from the capacity to be adjusted, this rope also comes with an extra cable. Although this rope is durable and can withstand regular daily use, the extra cable comes in handy in case the rope breaks. Training goes on uninterrupted with an extra cable at the ready. Consistency and determination are important in mastering double unders. However, one does not have to be an elite athlete to use this jump rope. Beginners can use the WOD Nation jump rope and can progress to double unders. And because this rope can be cut at any length, anybody can use this rope including children.
About WOD Nation
WOD Nation is a United States based company that provides workout gear to elite athletes. All of the company's fitness products are rigorously tested by athletes around the world to ensure they meet the demands of intense exercise programs. WOD Nation's website can be found at http://wodnationgear.com.